How long will a newborn photography session last?

newborn baby with a white blanket being held by mother's hands

This is a question I often get from expecting parents when they are scheduling their newborn photography session. It’s a really good question. If you google it, you will be told that most newborn sessions last between 2 to 4 hours. FOUR HOURS! Nobody is wanting that! No one! Talk about fussy baby, stress parents, and exhausted photographer!

When you book a newborn session with me, you can expect the session to take about an hour. Your baby is the boss and we photograph according to their needs and wants. Sometimes we are done in less time than an hour, other times, baby may need to take a little feeding break or a diaper change that can add a little of extra time. But rest assured, I will be efficient, get a variety of poses and images, and have you on your way!

Baby Led Posing and a Minimal Style

One of the reasons my newborn photography sessions last about an hour opposed to half a day is I don’t use fussy props or elaborate posing. I use what is called baby led posing. What this means is whatever your newborn naturally does, is how I photograph them. Your baby sleeping soundly on their tummy…I photograph it. Your baby swaddled snuggly in your arms….I photograph it. Your baby curiously gazing while laying on their back…I photograph it. I keep things simple with just a clean blanket on a bed, you and your baby! Your newborn is the star of the show and I want to capture all those quirks and details; the minimal setup I use insures that happens!

I have Experience

Photographing and handling newborns is not new to me. I am a mother of three and have experience in soothing babies. I also know comfortable positions your newborn prefers and I make sure if they are uncomfortable that we fix that by changing positions, adding a swaddle, or giving a bit of comfort from mom or dad.

Most newborns though are pretty drowsy and content and we’re able to get the photographs we need in a pretty short amount of time.

You do not Need One More Stressful Situation!

As a new mom, I remember every new situation being really overwhelming. The sleep deprivation along with figuring out feeding my baby, places and situation that I would attend previously now felt enormous and daunting. The thought of having to spend several hours at a photoshoot would have totally put me over the edge!

But you’ve got this momma! One hour in my studio is totally doable. I try to create a low pressure, calm environment. We chat, I like to find out how you’re recovering and how you chose your baby’s name. I’m doing this all while photographing your little one, and before you know it, your session is done!

I know the happiness and wellbeing of you and your family are so important. I will create timeless, heirloom, treasures for you to enjoy for years to come, but have it be a painless process and a fond memory!

newborn baby wearing white diaper sleeping on a white blanket

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