Scheduling Your Newborn Photography Session

newborn baby peacefully sleeping on a white blanket

Welcoming a newborn into the family is a joyous occasion filled with love and excitement. As you embark on this beautiful journey, you may find yourself considering a newborn photography session to remember those precious early moments. While scheduling such a session is a wonderful idea, it's essential to approach it with flexibility and an understanding that babies often come on their own time!

The Perfect Timing:

Ideally, scheduling your newborn photography session a week or two after your due date is a great starting point. This timing allows for a comfortable window after the baby's arrival, giving you a chance to settle into your new routine while ensuring the tiny one is still in that delightful, sleepy stage that makes for adorable photographs.

Flexibility is Key:

Despite your best efforts to plan, babies have a way of surprising us! They come into the world when they are ready, and due dates are more of an estimate than a strict schedule. Therefore, it's crucial to approach your newborn photography session with flexibility. Be open to adjusting the timing based on when your baby makes their grand entrance.

Communication is Vital:

When scheduling your photography session, please communicate openly with me. Let me know your due date and what the tentative expectation of your baby’s arrival will be. I understand the unpredictable nature of babies and will happily adjust your scheduled session if needed!

Follow the link below to book your newborn session:

father cradling swaddled newborn baby

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