A Few Things to Consider to Get Great Results at your Photoshoot

black and white photograph of a father and son smiling at each other

A lot of these things I want to share with you may seem like no-brainers, but it’s always good to have a reminder, or perhaps they will spark something you haven’t considered before. Here are a few things you can do the day of your photoshoot that can really help things for you, your kids, and me go smoothly.

Leave with Plenty of Time

Silly, I know! But something always happens on your way out the door when you’re headed somewhere important: there’s traffic, you can’t find the studio, a kiddo looses a shoe. When you are already leaving in a rush and stressed and arrive in a sweat, you’ll feel frantic for your photos. Just be sure to give yourself a little bit extra time so it’s an enjoyable experience for everyone! Especially Mom!

Empty your Pockets

Pockets are super convenient, but guys, please leave the car keys, phone, and your wallet in a bag or somewhere else. We want everyone to look their best and this doesn’t include rumpled pants.

This next suggestion is a personal preference, but I think smart watches are super distracting in photos. They are big and ugly and attract a lot of attention. Chances are if you have one on, I will ask if you would like to remove it if you haven’t already. But as always, these are your photos and I want you to be happy….but….

Have a Happy Attitude

Ok Dad, I’m talking to you. I know for some reason it is popular to be annoyed at family pictures, but your kids are watching you and will take cues from you on how to behave. I’m sure your spouse has spent lots of time and effort getting everything just so for family photos, has gotten everyone ready, and is already stressed. Please don’t embarrass her or yourself by being grumpy! Don’t make me have to harass you into behaving…I have three older brothers…I know what I’m doing. These pictures are for you and your kids too.

black and white photograph of a young boy laughing and smiling at the camera

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