Newborn Photos - I know it’s Hard, but Show up Anyway (Postpartum Depression)

Photos Help us Remember

After the birth of my second child I experienced pretty severe postpartum depression. There were other factors in my life going on at the time that contributed to the difficulty that I felt. I wasn’t photographing other families at the time, but still pushed myself to photograph and document my own little family. A few years later as I look at the images I took, I can’t even remember my son at certain stages. I can’t remember the little quirks that he did, but the photos help. They help me remember the good things in a time I felt like I was drowning. 

Be kind to Yourself

You may feel different in your new mother body or you may feel so sleep deprived you can’t see straight. I have so been there. But I can tell you, the photos that I have of my new babies together with me, I am so thankful for. In some of the photos of me, I see the tired eyes, the baggy clothes, but I also see the content face and the closeness as a family. Be kind to yourself and be in the photos with your baby, you’ll be so glad you did!

Ask for help

If you have or are currently feeling like I did. Please ask for help! Reach out to your doctor, to other medical professionals, to your partner, to a friend! Anyone! Don’t wait until it is too late like I almost did.

The National Suicide Prevention Hotline is: 988 you can call or text.

mother holding child with red hair on her lap against a dark background

I Don’t Only Photograph Families with Young Kids


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