5 Tips for Including Siblings in a Newborn Session

sweet family with a newborn baby cuddling on a bed

Can Older Siblings Be Included in Newborn Sessions?

The short answer is, YES! Absolutely, older siblings are always welcome to your newborn photo session! I actually almost insist it! Growing up, my mom always photographed me with my brothers together. Those pictures are something I love looking back on and seeing me and my siblings relationship and how we interacted with each other!

It is so sweet to see an older sibling take such good care and show affection to their sweet newborn sibling. Those moments and feelings are what I want to capture for you to always remember. That way when everyone gets a little bit older and starts poking and breathing each other’s air, you can know that that bond is there and this too shall pass!

  1. Have Low Expectations

    I know this is not necessarily what you want to hear, but if a two-year-old doesn’t want to hold or sit by the baby…they’re not going to! So if you go into your session with a positive, patient, and a “whatever we get we get” attitude, you will be so pleasantly surprised with what we can capture!

    I absolutely believe and have seen children feed off of their parent’s positive or negative energy during photo sessions. So be sure you praise and be positive towards your toddler or older child with as much cooperation they show!

  2. Taking a Break During your Session

    I can usually tell when a toddler has just had enough and needs a minute to take a break. This is a great time to eat a snack or play with some of the fun toys I provide at the studio. Sometimes this is all we need to redirect a child’s attitude!

  3. Give Them Time to Shine

    A new baby joining the family is hard on EVERYONE! An older sibling can feel unsure about a new baby and not as much attention and can feel left out or jealous! I always photograph your older child just by themselves (usually when your newborn is feeding or needing a diaper change!) This can really help an older sibling feel special and have the spotlight for a little bit! Also you’ll get adorable portraits of your silly kiddo!

  4. Talk with Your Child Before the Session

    Sometimes we forget that our child may not exactly know what to expect from a photo session. It can be a new experience walking into a photo studio with lights and camera gear and what is going to happen. Before your session, just sit down with your child and chat with them about how they’ll be laying on a bed or sitting on a stool and I’ll be silly with them and ask them fun questions ad that I’ll have the hold the baby and snuggle as a family!

  5. Breathe!

    This one is for you! I know that there can be a lot of pressure to look, act, and be your best self when you’re getting professional photos taken. But I can promise you as the years fly by, you’ll look at those special photos and remember this unique time in your family’s life. You’ll be reminded just how tiny your newborn was or maybe how stubborn your toddler was.

    Time really is a thief! I know some days and nights can be so long or hard, but they don’t last forever. Those sticky finger prints fade and the snuggles lessen. Everything is ok in the moment. Your family is perfect!

cute smiling boy holding his fathers hand

Ready to book your Newborn Photo Session?


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