A Few Tips and Tricks to Make your Photo Session with Kids a Success

Sometimes trying to remember everything for a photoshoot can be stressful. Over the years of being a photographer and a mom, I have figured out a few tricks to make things easier. Here are a several I would like to share.

Pack Your Outfits

You know your child best! Sometimes it is a good idea to pack your special outfits and get changed at the studio rather than come already dressed. From personal experience with my own kids in the car with nice clothes on, we have had chocolate milk spilled on our clothes, we have had clothes chewed on (sensory seeking child), we have had potty accidents, and many more situations! Some kids are totally fine! You just need to do what works best for your family and kids. Just know that this is an option and something you can consider.

Bloomers! Bloomers! Bloomers!

I know this seems like a simple one, but it is something that a lot of people overlook. If you have a little girl and you are dressing her in a dress, please put bloomers on her. Kids are wiggly and move and sometimes undies or diapers show. It is better to have bloomers show than undies.

Snack Attack

Snacks or a favorite treat can often be a helpful bribe to get kids to cooperate. However, if you plan on packing them with you, please don’t pull them out until the end of the shoot. Once those snacks come out there is no going back! We may loose our opportunity to get cooperation from the kiddos!

Have Fun!

Please take a deep breathe and blow those stresses and expectations away. Remember that your little ones have minds of their own, but that’s the whole point of capturing them now in their sticky, crazy, ornery stage. They are perfect and you will end up with images that make you laugh and smile and cry! I promise!

young sisters laying back on a white bed with feet in the air

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